Friday, May 7, 2010

Mikhail Gorbachev and the Collapse of Communism

MikhailGorbachev is the president of Russia. He was the youngest president at age 54. Mikhail decided that since the russia was a totalitarian state, and nothing was getting done, he thought that he should open up russia more so that free fresh new ideas will come and make Russia more economic and new with social reforms. This was called the "Glasnost". This was to promote Openess in Russia.

In 1985, Gorbachev decided to make something new called "Peristrokia". This was to make economic reforms. Local managers gained full rights to their farms and property and people were allowed to own privately owned small buisnesses.

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

The apartheid was a racial segregation policy in South Africa. Much similar to the one in the United States. But they were segregated from 1948-1990. This policy stated that white people were above everyone else and can vote, while the "Bantu" which is everyone else that is black mixed or Indian is nit able to. Nelson Mandela was put into jail because of this.

Nelson mandela fought for the independence of South Africa. He was in the ANC's fight to promote non-violence methods to get freedom and justice and to stop the Apartheid. He was a hero because he did this. He was in jail for 26 years and he got out, wrote a book, and still continued to fight for his country and the people admired that and when elections came in 1991, he was elected over the other person with 61% of the votes.