Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Treaty of Versailles (ended WW I)

The Treaty of Versailles affected Germany at the end of WW I in a major way. German pretty much lost everything they really had that showed they were a powerful country. At the end of WW1 (Germany's defeat) they had to sign a Treaty which stated that they had to make up for there loses. One of the problems Germany faced after WWI was having to pay back all the damages done by them. Many European countries demanded huge amounts of money from Germany. Not only did they had to pay a high amount of money, they lost 13% of there territory and 12% of there population which made them lose most of there power they had before WW1, basically the country's economy suffered. With there army cut down in size and the economy doing really bad it is why the German people were so willing to believe Hitler and the Nazis when they said they would better Germany and make it like it was before the Treaty. This is what lead to WW2.

I believe the treaty was fair. Germany did do the most damage and even though they were helping an ally of theirs, this did not mean they had to put all their military resources in it. Those are Germany's consequences and they should of knew that the consequences would be harsh.

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